Saturday, December 25, 2010


 Why "Skeletone"?  Because all names are taken.  Add an "e" and you're in business.

I was a steel detailer.  I didn't like it, but the environment was great.  I feel almost like the last five years of my life were just a hiccup.  I was going to school for elementary education and *hic* I was a steel detailer for five years *hic* and now I'm going back to school... but for what?  Here's the dilemma:  I need inspiration.  I need a spark to get going on the right path.  I love art.  I love native plants.  I find science interesting.  I am way behind the math curve.  I was thinking about going to school for horticulture, but it seems like careers in horticulture mean little money down the line.  I want to go to Texas A&M, and they have an excellent horticulture college, and I might be able to get into it.  However, there is money in biochemistry.  If I can reanimate my math abilities, I may have a shot at eventually getting into the science college at A&M if I can vanquish the foe of my GPA circa 2005.  The science college requires a 3.0 GPA on 24 hours of transferrable coursework.  If that means a 3.0 on all my courswork that will transfer, it may not happen.  If it means any 24 hours, then I have a shot, because I'm moving from a very non-science degree program to a heavy science/math degree.  We'll see.

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